This photographic essay should be seen simply as one photographer’s experience in Morocco. It is not an attempt to encapsulate the land or its people somehow, for this would be an impossible task. Remember it is an outsider’s view with all that this implies. Furthermore, each individual does not fit into a pattern or a stereotype, and each view of the landscape is a personal impression. Even as a photograph is taken, everything is changing. Selecting an image taken at 1/60th sec. does not slow or halt that process, it represents only a moment, albeit an important one. So in these photographs I show what I have seen through my mind's eye: so much more lies beyond.
This work has been composed during time spent in Morocco (mainly the South), photographing its landscape, its people, and their lives. I have been developing this portfolio for eight years, based in a village in the High Atlas mountains, returning in all seasons. I have been fortunate to be able to work with local people and spend considerable time in their community. More than a coffee-table project, it forms a photographic essay:
The photographic essay redefines the idea of the ‘collection’, pushing it closer to a new genre in which the configuration of the pictures within the book constitutes an essay in its own right. (Clive Dilnot)